Finance Commission of India
The Finance Commission constituted by the President pursuant to clause (1) of article 280 of the Constitution.
It was formed to define the financial relations between the centre and the state. The Finance Commission Act of 1951 states the terms of qualification, appointment and disqualification, the term, eligibility and powers of the Finance Commission. As per the Constitution, the commission is appointed every five years and consists of a chairman and four other members.
Qualifications for appointment as, and the manner of selection of, members of the commission.
The Chairman of the Commission shall be selected from among persons who have had experience in public affairs, and the four other members shall be selected from among persons who—
(a) are, or have been, or are qualified to be appointed as Judges of a High Court; or
(b) have special knowledge of the finances and accounts of Government; or
(c) have had wide experience in financial matters and in administration; or
(d) have special knowledge of economics.
Functions of the Finance Commission can be explicitly stated as:
1. Distribution of net proceeds of taxes between Centre and the States, to be divided as per their respective contributions to the taxes.
2. Determine factors governing Grants-in Aid to the states and the magnitude of the same.
3. Work with the State Finance Commissions and suggest measures to augment the Consolidated Fund of the States so as to provide additional resources to Panchayats and Municipalities in the state.
Finance Commission appointed so far
So far 13 Finance Commissions have been appointed which are as follows:
Finance Commission Year of Establishment Chairman Operational Duration
First 1951 K.C Neogy 1952-57
Second 1956 K.Santhanam 1957-62
Third 1960 A.K. Chanda 1962-66
Fourth 1964 P.V. Rajamannarr 1966-69
Fifth 1968 Mahaveer Tyagi 1969-74
Sixth 1972 K. Brahmananda Reddy 1974-79
Seventh 1977 J.M. Shellet 1979-84
Eighth 1983 Y. B. Chavan 1984-89
Ninth 1987 N.K.P. Salve 1989-95
Tenth 1992 K.C Pant 1995-2000
Eleventh 1998 A.M.Khusro 2000-2005
Twelfth 2003 C.Rangarajan 2005-2010
Thirteenth 2007 Vijay l kelkar 2010-2015
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